1.1 For the purposes of this document, the following terms are used in the following meaning::

  1. “Account” – the User’s account on the Platform .
  2. “Legislation” means the legislation of the country in which the Service is provided.
  3. “Content” means any text, photo, video materials uploaded by the User to the Platform.
  4. “Personal Account” is a section on the Platform through which the Customer and/or Webmaster can edit the Public Profile, upload Content, set other settings and parameters for using the Platform
  1. “Company” means a Limited Liability Company, which is the operator of the Platform.
  2. “Response” – an invitation to negotiate the performance of a Service, information about which is posted by the User in the ad, through the Platform interfaces .
  3. “Platform” means a software and hardware complex available on the Website at https://x-partners.com/ that allows interaction between Users. The platform includes the interface, software, domain name, design and other elements necessary for proper functioning. All exclusive rights to the Platform belong to the Company. None of the provisions of this Agreement can be considered as the transfer of exclusive rights to the User.
  4. “User” means a capable individual, self-employed, legal entity, individual entrepreneur who has accepted these Conditions. The User uses the Platform in order to implement the Services. Users include Customers and webmasters .
  5. “Customer” – a User who places an ad on the Platform about the search for a contractor to provide a Service.
  6. “Webmaster” – a User of the Platform providing Services .
  7. “Public Profile” is a User’s page available on the Platform for an unlimited number of persons, containing information about the User, including his contact details, information about the Services provided by him, their price and duration, work experience, place of provision of Services, working hours, payment acceptance methods, payment data.
  8. “Regulatory documents” – the documents specified in clause 1.3. of these Terms and Conditions ;
  9. “Terms” – these Terms of Use of the Platform, published at https://x-partners.com/ .
  10. “Service” means advertising and/or information services provided by the Webmaster to the Customer on a reimbursable basis .
  11. “Web interface means a set of unified technical and software tools and rules, descriptions, agreements, protocols that ensure the interaction of the User and the services, services of the Platform or the Payment Agent on the Internet.
  12. “Payment Agent” means a legal entity engaged in the activity of accepting the Customer’s funds for the Services rendered for the subsequent transfer of funds to the Webmaster.

1.2 The Company offers Users to use the Platform on these Terms and conditions and the terms of Regulatory Documents..

1.3 The use of the Platform is governed by these Terms and Conditions, as well as documents published at https://x-partners.com/

  • Privacy Policy

1.4 Starting to use the Platform / its individual functions, the User is considered to have accepted these Terms and Conditions, as well as the terms of the Regulatory Documents, in full, without any reservations and exceptions. If the User does not agree with any of the provisions of these documents, the User is not entitled to use the Platform.

1.5 These Terms and Conditions, as well as the above documents, are subject to change without any special notice. New versions of the Terms and Regulatory Documents come into force from the moment they are posted on the Internet at the addresses specified in paragraphs 1.1. and 1.3. of these Terms and Conditions, as well as in the mobile application, respectively, unless otherwise provided by the new versions of the Terms and Regulatory Documents. Continued use of the Platform after changes to the Terms or Regulatory Documents is considered acceptance of their new versions.

1.6 If the Company has made any changes to these Terms or Regulatory Documents in accordance with the procedure provided for in clause 1.5. of the Terms, with which the User does not agree, he is obliged to stop using the Platform. In case of continued use of the Platform, the User is deemed to have agreed to the Terms and regulatory documents.

1.7 By using the Platform, the User gives his consent to receive informational and/or advertising messages. The User has the right to refuse to receive messages by using the appropriate functionality of the Platform or following the instructions specified in the received message.

The Platform and its employees have the right to collect opinions and feedback from Users on various issues for statistical purposes, to control the quality of Services provided, as well as to use the data obtained in an impersonal form for the operation of the Platform. The survey of Users can be carried out by sending an information message or by communicating with the contact details specified by the User in the Platform.


2.1 The platform provides an opportunity to register an account as a User. At the same time, the User is responsible on the basis of the current legislation for specifying information that does not correspond to reality

2.2. The platform provides the functionality to place, search and view User ads, search for Users, Responses to User ads, as well as other functionality.

2.3 Part of the functionality of the Platform can be available to the User when they go through the registration procedure on the Platform and create a Personal Account.

The User may also be offered authorization using the account of third-party services that support integration with the Platform. By using the account of third-party services, the User agrees to the processing by the Platform of the information provided by him in the account under the terms of the Privacy Policy in order to use the Platform.

Certain functions of the Platform can be accessed by a User who has not passed the authorization procedure.

2.4 The User who has passed the authorization procedure has the opportunity to create an Account on the Platform, through which the User can create ads about Services, add information and edit a Public Profile, interact with other Users, etc.

It is not allowed for a User to create multiple Accounts to place ads within the same category and/or subcategory of Services. If the User has an additional Account(s) used to publish ads in the same category and/or subcategory of Services, the Account(s) originally created may be cancelled.

2.5 The Platform provides an authorized User with the functionality to send messages to another User of the Platform who placed the ad, as well as exchange messages during the search and/or provision of Services to the User.

In order to carry out quality control, including in order to verify the fact and conditions of providing Services to the User, as well as within the framework of compliance with legal requirements, the Company stores the history of interaction between Users through the relevant functions of the Platform. The access of the Company and the persons involved by it to such a history is possible for the specified purposes, as well as at the request of the participants in the interaction and in cases established by law.

2.6 The Platform provides Users with the opportunity to publish information about the Services they provide, their price and the duration of each Service. If the price of the duration of the provision of the Service cannot be determined in advance, the User can specify the approximate scope of the price and duration of the provision of the relevant Service.

2.7 The Platform provides Users with the opportunity to publish information about the experience of providing Services and add a portfolio (examples and other information about the Services provided). At the same time, it is not allowed to post information about Services that violate current legislation, personal data of third parties, moral norms, offending religious feelings. If the relevant information is found, it can be deleted from the Platform, and by the decision of the Company and the employees involved, the User’s account can be blocked.

2.8 The platform provides Users with the opportunity to publish information about themselves, the location and location of the service, and the mode of operation. The User is responsible for specifying information that does not correspond to reality in accordance with the current legislation.

2.9 The Platform provides Users with the opportunity to publish information about payment acceptance methods and payment data that may be required for the implementation and payment of the Service.

2.10 The Platform provides Customers with the opportunity to receive the appropriate Webmaster Services. Customers can independently set the time for communication / personal meetings with Webmasters to provide Services, in accordance with the schedule determined by the Users themselves.

2.11 The Platform provides Users with the opportunity to publish Service announcements in the Platform’s information feed. At the same time, it is not allowed to place information in the ad that violates the current legislation, personal data of third parties, moral norms, offending religious feelings. If the relevant information is found, it can be deleted from the Platform, and by the decision of the Company and the employees involved, the User’s account can be blocked.

2.12 The Platform provides Users with the opportunity to post User reviews after the Service has been provided or after the Service has failed, including through the User’s fault. At the same time, it is not allowed to post information in the review that violates the current legislation, personal data of third parties, moral norms, offending religious feelings. If the relevant information is found in the review, it can be removed from the Platform, and by the decision of the Company and the employees involved, the User’s account can be blocked.

2.13 The Platform provides Users with the opportunity to publish user reviews after the provision of the Service or after a Service failure, including through the fault of the User. At the same time, it is not allowed to post information in the review that violates the current legislation, personal data of third parties, moral norms, offending religious feelings. If relevant information is found in the review, it may be removed from the Platform, and by the decision of the Company and the employees involved, the User Account may be blocked.

2.14 The Platform provides the User (Webmaster) with the opportunity to keep records of Users (Customers) who have applied to them for Services, and vice versa. At the same time, the Platform is not responsible for errors made by the User when keeping User records.


3.1 The Platform provides the User with the opportunity to register for the Service through the functionality of the Platform, transfer and / or cancel the registration for the Service. At the same time, the Platform is not responsible if the User refuses to provide a Service that has not received confirmation, postponed and/ or canceled.

3.2 The Platform provides the User with the opportunity to pay for Services rendered online, including through a payment service. The User – recipient of the Service must confirm the payment of the Service after the Service is rendered. The fact of non-payment or incomplete payment of the rendered Service may be qualified as a violation of the current legislation and entail the responsibility of the User-recipient of the Service. To prevent this situation, the User must contact the administration of the Platform and explain the fact of non-payment or incomplete payment for the Service provided.

3.3 The Platform provides the User with the opportunity to leave a Response to the announcement of the Service. At the same time, the Response itself is not a basis for providing a Service to the User.

3.4 The Platform provides the User with the opportunity to keep records of the costs of paying for the Service. The relevant information is subject to a trade secret regime, which the Company cannot disclose to third parties, except in cases provided for by law. At the same time, the Platform is not responsible for incorrect and/or untimely accounting of expenses by the User.

3.5 The Platform provides the User with the opportunity to communicate with other Users through the Platform chat. At the same time, the User’s right to use other means of communication, including telephone or any other, is not limited.


4.1. The Company provides an opportunity for Users to make payments between Customers and webmasters using the Web interface .

4.2.  Customers pay for Services via the Web interface after the delivery of the result of Services by the Webmaster.

4.3. The Company charges Webmasters a royalty for using the Platform in the amount of ____% from each payment for the Service rendered. Royalties are collected from the Webmaster by the Company at each payment for the Service by deducting the amount of royalties using the Web interface.

4.4. The Company is not responsible for: (i) non-compliance of the Web interface and the capabilities of the Payment Agent with the goals and expectations of the User; (ii) for the smooth operation of the Payment Agent, the Web interface or individual functionality of the Web interface of the Payment Agent.

4.5. The Company has the right at any time to change the functionality for Users to access the Web interface of the Payment Agent.

4.6. The Company has the right to restrict Users’ access to the Platform or to certain functions of the Platform, including the Web interface of the Payment Agent .

4.7. The Company is obliged to notify Users in case of termination or suspension of the powers of the Payment Agent or the replacement of the Payment Agent. The Company notifies Users by posting a message in the information feed of the Platform. The message is posted no later than 3 (three) days from the date of suspension of the powers of the Payment Agent or the change of the Payment Agent.

4.8. The Company provides Users with the opportunity to keep statistical records of Payments sent through a Payment Agent.

4.9.  The Company is not a tax agent of Users or a Payment Agent.


5.1 The platform is provided “as is”. The Company does not guarantee the compliance of the Platform with the goals and expectations of Users, uninterrupted and error-free operation of the Platform as a whole and its individual functionality, in particular, the Company has the right at any time to completely or partially change the functionality provided by the Platform.

5.2  The Company does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, completeness and quality of the information and Content posted on the Platform, including their compliance with the law and compliance with the rights of third parties. Under no circumstances is the Company responsible for the information and Content posted on the Platform. The user must independently assess all risks associated with the use of information/Content, including assessment of reliability, completeness or usefulness, as well as their compliance with legislation

5.3 The Company conducts, but is not obliged to carry out moderation, viewing, editing, control over the information, messages and Content posted on the Platform, and cannot guarantee that the information, messages and Content posted by the User on the Platform does not violate the provisions of these Terms, legislation, or other documents. The User acknowledges and agrees that the Company is not obliged to view information, messages, Content of any kind posted and/or distributed through the Platform. The User understands and agrees that he must independently assess all risks associated with the use of information, messages and Content posted on the Platform, including an assessment of their legality.

5.4 The Company is not a participant in the legal relations established between Users regarding the coordination and provision of Services, including does not perform the functions of agency, mediation and representation in it (except in cases when separate contracts/agreements establishing other conditions have been concluded between electronic search engines and the Company, electronic search engines and Users), does not respond for the performance of their duties by the parties, and does not provide advice on legal, financial and organizational issues, is not a tax agent.

Users undertake to independently settle all disputes arising in connection with the conclusion and execution of a transaction regarding the Services offered and requested, including sending claims directly to the participant of such a transaction.

5.5 The Company reserves the right, at its discretion, to restrict Users’ access to the Platform (or to certain functions of the Platform, if technologically possible) using their account or completely block the User’s Account if suspicious activity on the Platform is detected, internal moderation procedure is not completed, the User violates these Terms or Regulatory Documents and in other cases, and also apply other measures to the User in order to comply with the requirements of the law or the rights and legitimate interests of third parties.

5.6 If there are reasonable assumptions about a possible violation of the law, rights and interests of third parties by an ad posted on the Platform, or by User actions, the User can file a complaint about the content of the ad or User actions using the feedback form


6.1. The Company does not guarantee the safety of the data posted on the Platform in any volume and/or for any period, including in case of data changes due to the development or modification of the Platform.

6.2. The information provided by the User is processed under the terms of the Privacy Policy for purposes related to providing the User with the functionality of the Platform, including for verifying the information posted by the User on the Platform, providing feedback on issues related to the use of the Platform, and for other purposes specified in these Terms and Privacy Policy.

6.3. Copying of the Platform’s information, including with the use of automatic and other software tools for accessing data, its reproduction, processing, distribution, making available to the public (publication) on the Internet, any use in the media and/or for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of the Company is prohibited.

6.4.  The User undertakes not to use the information and Content posted on the Platform without the proper permission of the Company and/or the User to whom this information belongs/Content, in cases where such use is not related to the purposes of making and executing transactions. The User is prohibited from using the User’s contact details, the functionality of the Platform to provide communication with the User for the purposes of direct advertising or other unsolicited electronic messages, as well as for other illegal actions or acts committed without the User’s knowledge and/or consent.

6.5. For questions and claims related to the use or inability to use the Platform, as well as possible violations of the law and /or the rights of third parties on the Platform, the User can send his appeal via the feedback form.

Date of publication: 23.11.2023
Document version from 23.11.2023